The Best Herbal Teas for Immune system boost and Cold Season
This post is about the best herbal teas for Immune system boost and cold season.
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Did you know two-thirds of the world’s population drink tea? Herbal teas for immune system works.
There are so many teas out there that offer many health benefits like immune support, stress regulation, and digestive system support.
Never underestimate the power of drinking a cup of tea!
For the past 30 years, scientific studies have linked many health benefits to drinking tea. Teas have medicinal properties, antibacterial properties, and overall immune-boosting properties.
For the past 30 years, scientific studies have linked many health benefits to drinking tea.
According to an article from, “tea contains polyphenols and other components that may reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, and diabetes.”
Before getting into which can help you this cold season, let us answer a couple of questions on tea.
Herbal tea for colds: How can I boost my immune system fast?
Yes, tea can boost your immune system fast with many positive health benefits like having antioxidant, antiviral, and anticancer defenses.
Herbal teas contain Polyphenols, which can improve immune function, anti-aging, and prevent chronic diseases.
According to Today, always take caution when drinking tea as it can counteract various medications, can be an anti-clotting agent, may not be suitable for kids, and can be harmful to women who are pregnant or nursing.
Herbal tea for colds: Can I grow tea at home?
Most certainly you can grow tea outdoors or indoors.
Get creative and grow different herbs in various size containers or get a herbal tea kit that will come with all the materials you will need.
After a lot of love & watering, harvest leaves from your plant, dry them, and place them in an airtight container.
This Herbal Tea Starter kit is a great little kit to help you start growing your herbal tea plants!
Herbal tea for colds: Where can I buy herbal tea?
There are many places you can go to buy high-quality teas that are already prepackaged or loose-leaf.
High-quality teas belong to companies that are certified organic and use fair trade in the production of their teas.
Not all companies can verify if the teas you are buying are free from pesticides or other contaminants, so buying organic when you can is the best practice.
Here are some organic & high-quality herbal teas online stores I found for you!
What is the best tea for a cold or flu? 10 Best herbal teas for colds
1. Green Tea
You can’t talk about an immune booster tea, green tea. It has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that will help you especially if you are ill.
Drinking this tea will protect you from infections, overall health, and can provide you with some energy since green tea also contains caffeine.
Not only is it a great preventative it will also shorten your flu symptom and have medicinal effects.
Try Green Tea , I drink about 2-4 cups of green tea a day, if you are cleared by your doctor to do so.
I just started doing this about 4 months ago and have not suffered from any colds yet!
As a busy mom & working full-time as a nurse, for me to drink all the tea I do I carry around my Rose Goldtea thermos from Teabloom everywhere I go!
It is pretty, sturdy, and keeps my tea warm all day long.
2. Chamomile Tea
Studies have shown that this herbal tea helps the body to relax and calms the nervous system.
This herbal tea also contains flavonoids, which can prevent you from catching the flu.
Studies have also found that chamomile successfully relieves sore throat and hoarseness.
Chamomile has been used as herbal medicine since ancient times and without a doubt this tea is beneficial for cold symptoms.
Try Chamomile lemon tea can bring great flavor and it doesn’t hurt that lemon has great health benefits too.
3. Anamú Tea
This herb is also called guinea hen weed, it has been fascinating to research!
In my research, I found that not many people talk about Anamu’s many health benefits.
Anamu tea is actually used to help fight viruses in many other countries.
According to, Anamu roots and leaves may reduce fever, has antioxidant properties, helps fight free radicals, and have shown to have some resistance to bacteria as well as fungus.
This fascinating plant seems like a powerful one!
Above I linked a popular brand of 100%v Guinea Hen tea bags ( Anamu tea )!
4.Gaviola/Guanabana Tea
Also known as Soursop Leaf Tea, I am just discovering soursop tea leaves and I have learned that many people overlook the leaves of this tropical plant.
Soursop tea can help build up your immune system and it will ultimately help prevent you from getting a cold.
You can use every part of this plant from its leaves, stem, and fruit. states that soursop is even used to treat bacteria and viruses.
This plant will not go to waste because every part of this plant can be used in various ways.
There are some products that just come with the Gaviola leaves, but this organic Soursop tea made from Nallife is already dried and placed in small tea bags ready to go.
5. Echinacea Tea
Studies suggest that echinacea can help the immune system, and decrease inflammation which ultimately helps relieve cold symptoms.
According to Mount, “14 clinical trials found that echinacea reduced the odds of developing a cold by 58% and the duration of a cold by 1 to 4 days.”
Drinking this organic echinacea tea can help prevent the common cold and make cold symptoms shorter too!
6. Chrysanthemum tea
This tea is used in Chinese medicine, and studies have shown it to have antibiotic properties. states this type of tea can help with alleviating headaches, fevers, swollen glands, and cold symptoms.
Additionally, this tea can help with so many other health issues like heat rashes and eye issues.
It’s helpful when scientists provide studies to help show us, tea drinkers, how amazing a tea like chrysanthemum tea can be.
Chrysanthemum buds from each flower can be infused in any tea infuser. Using a tea mug infuser is very convenient, try
7. Elderberry Tea
Elderberry tea is a pretty popular herbal tea for colds. This type of tea is known for its antioxidant properties and immune benefits.
High amounts of flavonoids are found in elderberry, which is the main chemical that blocks the Flu from replicating in the body.
Mixing this herb with cinnamon and honey is a great tea mixture to try when you feel like a cold coming on.
8. Ginger Tea
I love ginger tea! This ginger tea helps with various cold symptoms and also prevents them from happening.
I just recently use this to help with my throat feeling a little scratchy, and yes it worked wonders on my throat.
Check out my post on the Top 10 natural remedies for colds to find my ginger & turmeric tea recipe.
According to Medicalnewstoday, ginger can help decrease congestion, and inflammation, bring sore throat relief, and helps from getting any colds at all.
9. Rosehip Tea
When you try to find herbal teas for cold, you might not have heard about this one.
Using herbal remedies with the common ingredient rose hips is great to develop a healthy immune system.
A cup of tea that was rose hips in it is known to help with a productive cough.
According to Natural Healing, the high amounts of vitamin C it contains make it a great preventative for the common old.
Overall, Rosehip is part of a rose plant that will help protect your body from the flu or cold.
This organic bag of dried Rosehip tea is organic and caffeine-free. I love these bags of dry herbs, you can not only use this product for tea but for other things like making body products.
10. Licorice
Licorice root tea is used in Traditional Chinese medicine and it is widely used to help with stomach issues. reviewed scientific evidence that licorice herbs as having antimicrobial properties, which in turn help fight against bacteria that can linger in sore throats.
This tea can help with flu season ad plays an important role next time you have a sore throat.
Licorice tea is scientifically shown to help with cold symptoms and has many therapeutic benefits.
Try out licorice tea, you can trust organic tea to give herbal teas for the immune system.
The Best Herbal Tea for Immune system boost and Cold Season Recap
- Green Tea
- Chamomile
- Anamu
- Gaviola, also known as Soursop
- Echinacea
- Chrysanthemum
- Elderberry
- Ginger
- Rosehip
- Licorice
Have you tried any of these herbal teas for the immune system? Did this information help you? I would love to know in the comments below!
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